Monday 31 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 31/03/14

31.03.14 - Movies.. Connections.. Inspirations..
I mention this 3 words and all of it relates together for the past few days.
I was searching movies in iTunes the day before yesterday, I was actually going to try out whether my credit card works overseas (because I can't buy some stuff in Steam :P) so I actually did bought a film I thought it would be nice, its Elysium. Although the price was quite expensive, I have seen many concept art and VFX are made in this movie so I thought it would be relevant to me and inspire me. Here is one of the story a little girl shared to the main character before he leaves to seek something he wants himself.

I personally think that Elysium is a very nice film! Putting the visuals aside, this futuristic world also portrays out the world we are living now, a world that separates the luxurious, wealthy people from the poor. Which is why it is so relevant to all of us.

The reason I shared this part of the scene was the story itself, we can never ever rely on our own efforts alone to reach whatever goal you dream to have. You seriously need someone out there in this world to help you along to accomplish whatever things you desire.

I now stay in a Finland University hostel (For Exchange Program) with 6 other schoolmates for half a month already. I am staying with 2 of my schoolmates in the same apartment, we help each other in cooking food, washing dishes, buying groceries and etc. Today one of my schoolmate shared with me a free and amazing article with many professionals in game industry sharing their experience to whoever is reading it!! Combat level design, Digital sculpting and many more!!! For those of you out there who is passionate in the games career you should really check this link out and download the magazine, its really free.

Do you see how the 3 words link again? The movie led me to learn something. I met a similar situation with what the movie has mention. And lastly it gives me inspiration. Be it from the magazine or from the school mate who have help me in return by sharing this magazine to me. And that is why I too want to share this with you.

Just remember that you are individually special, you have something that is worth sharing with your friends, so does your friends have things that they can share with you, and together you can really reach the tree to eat pancakes.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 26/03/14 - 27/03/14

26.03.14 - Opportunity to be Independent
Basically just modelling the pirate and finished most of its attire!
It is quite dull after staying in Finland for 3 weeks? But it also gives me many opportunity to slowly work my things out here independently. Furthermore, there is only a limited amount of service in Kajaani in a small duration (3-6 hours), so getting materials or other things is kind of rushing if you are a busy person. (But there is never a thing called "Busy" in Kajaani, NEVER!)  I tend to get tired very easily here, I suspect Finland has sleeping powder disperse all over their air.

27.03.14 - Done with Modelling. For now. 
I have completed 99.9% of my assets in the scene, why 99.9%? Because I may miss out something, or perhaps my project mates would like me to add more stuff in. I also did manage to complete unwrapping my main character! Here it is in checkered.

My project mates also told me that we have another 2 months to work on the project, and I was rushing the work.. Singaporeans tend to rush. I seriously don't know what to say now...

Ok. Bye bye.  

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 26/03/14

26.03.14 - Learning while Working

Every Wednesday to Friday I would be having merely project time only, which is the pirate project I am working on. I personally feel that I am slow in doing up a normal task like making a wallpaper. But now I am spending quite a big amount of time for a main menu wallpaper. But I know it is definitely worth the time to accomplish and make a beautiful artwork. So far here is what I have..

Since I have quite little opportunities to learn more advance stuff on Maya, I thought of learning new things while working on my current project. I've learn 2 new skills from doing this pirate. First was making ropes through "EP Curves", using planes to extrude throughout the curve. Lastly, making Hair with EP Curves too. And I thought of using Mental Ray to render out my wallpaper to give accurate details that I want. 

I think setting an objective for yourself while doing any projects are crucial, even if you can't learn anything new, you can improve in it. 

Bye. Bye. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 25/03/14

25.03.14 - Perseverance Pays

Today we continue in our modelling class! (Digital Sculpting)
The first sculpturing software I ever used was Zbrush, our modelling class introduce us to Autodesk Mud Box. I can't comment much about Mud box as I've only a grain of knowledge about it. I still like Zbrush though. And here's what I was trying out in class!

2 hours later...
We had our "Marketing Orientated Game Design" class. They discussed about how game company use their game design to monetize (or to earn money). We look onto the Free to Play games like Clash of Clans and many more, and how unethical some company can be when they monetize their games in a bad way. 

Tonight I am continuing my work on the Pirate wallpaper as seen previously. It was so boring to do it.... It just take such as long time to model out the assets in the wallpaper... But thankfully I did finish almost all the assets I need in this scene. I hope to finish modelling by tomorrow!

Monday 24 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 24/3/14

24.03.14 - Laid Back
Today I went out to town a group of my bunk mates to get our new keys! The school would be planting new locks into our electric doors later this week. I have no idea why. (maybe its getting old)

Today's animation lesson is quite a eye opener, because whatever we learn in Singapore compared to Finland was quite a big contrast. The amount of content taught in my own school was SQUASHED into a short time, while the Finnish people had the time to slow digest the content. Perhaps each has their pros and cons.

After lessons, 2 of my course mates and I went cycling to town again to get our apartment network contract started. And afterwards we cooked our dinner and etc...

Today is.... average. I am actually trying to learn new stuff through the web though! I am trying to learn how to create realistic hair from Maya! I am quite excited to learn it, can't wait to use this skill to put in my current project.

But I am tired now.
But one of my course mate wants me to play a Dota 2 match now.
But I don't know.

I should be sleeping soon. Goodnight!

Friday 21 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 21.03.14

21.03.14 - Self Exploration
Today its like a same day as yesterday.
But today I learned to make realistic ropes in Maya!
I learn it through the web. (Its super easy)
So this is what I have been working on! For the previous week
After discussion and improvements made with my teammate,
The 2D art was made from me for a day.

 I also realize that I didn't prompt myself to use my strength (3D)
to work on the project.

So in the end, I decided to make the whole menu purely
in 3D. 2D is too risky for me, as I have way little experience of it
compared to 3D. So 3D is a safe way for me I guess.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 20.03.14

20.03.14 - Back to Projects
Today its kind of a sit down and relax day.
Because we spent the whole day in the bunk lab (thats what i would call it) to work on our game projects.
Again I am working on the Game User Interface and the main menu screen and other wallpapers.
Nothing much today really.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Going to be Finished 17.03.14 - 19.03.14

17.03.14 - Starting Appetizer
This day is the day we officially go school! We start off our school with tours around the school and a short presentation from the International Coordinator of the Kajaani University of Applied Science. 
That day we also met our project mates, whom we will be working with on their game project. My task was to produce the UIs in the game. 

At the start, I was a bit upset because I couldn't do anything "major". But then again, my lecturer reminded me from the people working in Remedy studios once said: "Be it big or small projects, it is all important."
So I was quite pumped up to do it, be it whether it's a big or small task, I am willing to give in my all. 

The Finnish classmates are very friendly! Guaranteed. I feel really privileged to be around there or working a few of them. They all showed us all of their games (without anyone asking them to do it). There were no teachers there too, just them. I feel really welcome and a bit sad because I also wish I could be as friendly as them. 


18.03.14 - Exhausting Course Meal
We start off the day with a modelling course, whereby the class has gone for a week learning modelling & texturing. In all my life I have only touched on a 3D software called "Autodesk Maya". However, we are recommended to use a similar software called "Autodesk 3Dsmax". In short, I have to become a baby towards another software again. Going to have to commit myself to learn this software just as I have done on Maya. 

The next lesson was making a Portfolio, it was dull and the teacher gave a direct objective. If you understand how to sell yourself in the web, you have accomplish your goal to make a Portfolio. And I remember that I should always always show my good works only. If not how are you going to promote yourself to others? 

After lunch, we were told to go for a talk where there was a group of people promoting their product.
The product was a security network for the Internet, Fsecure. 
It was a excessively long talk, because there were 4 persons taking turn to spit out the different aspects of the product. (E.g Programming codes, F.L.O.S.S - Free Libre Open Source Software & many more)
The most interesting part of the whole talk was Finnish students & graduate aka teacher giving feedback or critics to the company. I don't see that everyday or not at all in Singapore!
What I observed and think is that the company is willing to get critics from the students to learn to make their product better and beneficial. 
At the same time, the students are happy to give suggestions to their company. It is a 2 way interaction. Growth for improvement goes the same concept. 


19.03.14 - Sudden Vacation
Today I was supposed to be in the classroom working on my project, I did it for like 2 hours and my course mates and I decided to go for the Outdoor Day activity. Because when we reached school on time for classes, we realize from a Finnish student that due to Outdoor Day classes were canceled. 

We went unprepared. 
Firstly, we didn't bring our passports to be able to rent skiing equipment. 
Secondly, I only wore 2 layers of clothing. 

Thankfully I didn't die in the cold.

Apparently, it was snow showering & there was no strong wind! 
Because of that we could walk around the snow for a long time to explore on the town called "Vuocatti?"
Never again I want to go out unprepared. 

After the trip, some of us decided to make snow man! 
We spent 1 hour to make a 1.4 metre snow man. (4 man power) 
We figured somethings out on how to make it faster. 
We were accompanied by 2 more girls and this time round we decided to make a even bigger snow man!
It took us 30 mins to make a 1.6 metre snow man (6 man power) 
And we make snow angels on the floor too! 

Technically, I am blogging at midnight 1.06AM for this personal blog. 

But one more very special thing I experienced was watching a documentary called "Free to Play". 
It is focused on 3 professional gamer who plays DOTA 2 for God knows how long, different country, different background, all come together to attempt to win one of the biggest prize pool competition in the world, The International. Whoever is the champion, wins 1.6 million USD. 

Stereo-typically, parents always restrain their children from playing too much games. But they know that their passion lies on playing games to make a living. That is their dream. And to achieve it they have to go through so much pain and sacrifice to get to it. Sadly, this is the way of life. One of the professional gamer known as "Dendi", he loves to play games ever since at a young age, he is determined to prove to his family that he is good enough to win the tournament, and he did. 

The other 2 may not have won, but their passion didn't die off just like that. They find ways to earn money to fund themselves for the next upcoming Internationals. 
Whenever they fall, they learn to get up quickly.
That is something I hope I can grasp on to quickly.
Ultimately, I hope my passion to the game industry grows stronger everyday, to contribute in making games (in terms of modelling, ideas, etc) 

Monday 17 March 2014

Going to be Finished 10.03.14 - 16.03.14

10.03.14 - The Departure

Time really flies fast after our last project in Year 2 of Poly life, it was 530PM+- when I reached the airport.
This period of time is like the busiest time of the year.. Because I have many people coming to send me off, and to be respectful, I do have to spend time with the different groups of friends or family is quite tiring.. And I could have miss out a few people when I went to the custom to check-in. (I apologize for those of you out there) But most probably you guys won't be reading it. Anyway, we went off to our 4 hours flight to Hong Kong, I went to watch the movie "Thor, The Dark World" and later on went to read a book I brought with me.

P.S - I think the food in the plane tends to make people fart a lot. (No joke, I've asked quite a few of my friends and they said they also did it silently.)

I feel so foolish, as though I am talking to myself.

11.03.14- The Transition to the Unknown
We arrived to Hong Kong at 1200AM+-, and make a transition to another plane to Helsinki.
Sleep, sleep, sleep. Fart, fart, fart. The process went on for the next 12 hours.
We reach Helsinki airport at 600AM+- and took at ride to our apartment (which we stayed for 2 days)
The moment we step out of the taxi, strong winds came and we felt as if we were doomed, because IT WAS COLD.
We were quite tired due to the jet lag, but we still went to visit the SUPERCELL Game Studio just a few blocks away from our apartment (a.k.a hotel)
I played one of their games called "Clash of Clans" for about a year already, and I kind of play it when I am free.

The game is a global game where you, a "King" builds your own kingdom and fight other people to steal off their resources so that you can build and upgrade your buildings in your land.

I really admire the amount of people they have in their company working on such a big project. The game that I play is only made up by 15 people. 15!!! But the interesting part is that SUPERCELL only publishes their game when the basic foundation of the game is ready. The rest of the assets or coding are polished while the game is commercialized.

Comparing to other Triple-A games, they usually sell games when they are 100% made. I can say that SUPERCELL's way of making money is safe, because they didn't give "All in" to earn money. But definitely, this kind of company requires skilled people who has been working in such industry to participate in such projects to make it successful..

12.03.14- Remedy, the Computer Scientist
We went to another game studio called "Remedy".
Their games are potentially Triple-A games and it was really a privileged to be in their studio.
What I was really amazed was the knowledge and creative minds they have there.
They literally make their own devices. For example, they made a real camera that the director could use to make certain shots of a movie, they use it in their game world to make good shots for cinematics & etc..
They really find ways to ease the problems in the productions of game industry by making their own devices. They are really indeed scientist.

Monday 31 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 31/03/14

31.03.14 - Movies.. Connections.. Inspirations..
I mention this 3 words and all of it relates together for the past few days.
I was searching movies in iTunes the day before yesterday, I was actually going to try out whether my credit card works overseas (because I can't buy some stuff in Steam :P) so I actually did bought a film I thought it would be nice, its Elysium. Although the price was quite expensive, I have seen many concept art and VFX are made in this movie so I thought it would be relevant to me and inspire me. Here is one of the story a little girl shared to the main character before he leaves to seek something he wants himself.

I personally think that Elysium is a very nice film! Putting the visuals aside, this futuristic world also portrays out the world we are living now, a world that separates the luxurious, wealthy people from the poor. Which is why it is so relevant to all of us.

The reason I shared this part of the scene was the story itself, we can never ever rely on our own efforts alone to reach whatever goal you dream to have. You seriously need someone out there in this world to help you along to accomplish whatever things you desire.

I now stay in a Finland University hostel (For Exchange Program) with 6 other schoolmates for half a month already. I am staying with 2 of my schoolmates in the same apartment, we help each other in cooking food, washing dishes, buying groceries and etc. Today one of my schoolmate shared with me a free and amazing article with many professionals in game industry sharing their experience to whoever is reading it!! Combat level design, Digital sculpting and many more!!! For those of you out there who is passionate in the games career you should really check this link out and download the magazine, its really free.

Do you see how the 3 words link again? The movie led me to learn something. I met a similar situation with what the movie has mention. And lastly it gives me inspiration. Be it from the magazine or from the school mate who have help me in return by sharing this magazine to me. And that is why I too want to share this with you.

Just remember that you are individually special, you have something that is worth sharing with your friends, so does your friends have things that they can share with you, and together you can really reach the tree to eat pancakes.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 26/03/14 - 27/03/14

26.03.14 - Opportunity to be Independent
Basically just modelling the pirate and finished most of its attire!
It is quite dull after staying in Finland for 3 weeks? But it also gives me many opportunity to slowly work my things out here independently. Furthermore, there is only a limited amount of service in Kajaani in a small duration (3-6 hours), so getting materials or other things is kind of rushing if you are a busy person. (But there is never a thing called "Busy" in Kajaani, NEVER!)  I tend to get tired very easily here, I suspect Finland has sleeping powder disperse all over their air.

27.03.14 - Done with Modelling. For now. 
I have completed 99.9% of my assets in the scene, why 99.9%? Because I may miss out something, or perhaps my project mates would like me to add more stuff in. I also did manage to complete unwrapping my main character! Here it is in checkered.

My project mates also told me that we have another 2 months to work on the project, and I was rushing the work.. Singaporeans tend to rush. I seriously don't know what to say now...

Ok. Bye bye.  

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 26/03/14

26.03.14 - Learning while Working

Every Wednesday to Friday I would be having merely project time only, which is the pirate project I am working on. I personally feel that I am slow in doing up a normal task like making a wallpaper. But now I am spending quite a big amount of time for a main menu wallpaper. But I know it is definitely worth the time to accomplish and make a beautiful artwork. So far here is what I have..

Since I have quite little opportunities to learn more advance stuff on Maya, I thought of learning new things while working on my current project. I've learn 2 new skills from doing this pirate. First was making ropes through "EP Curves", using planes to extrude throughout the curve. Lastly, making Hair with EP Curves too. And I thought of using Mental Ray to render out my wallpaper to give accurate details that I want. 

I think setting an objective for yourself while doing any projects are crucial, even if you can't learn anything new, you can improve in it. 

Bye. Bye. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 25/03/14

25.03.14 - Perseverance Pays

Today we continue in our modelling class! (Digital Sculpting)
The first sculpturing software I ever used was Zbrush, our modelling class introduce us to Autodesk Mud Box. I can't comment much about Mud box as I've only a grain of knowledge about it. I still like Zbrush though. And here's what I was trying out in class!

2 hours later...
We had our "Marketing Orientated Game Design" class. They discussed about how game company use their game design to monetize (or to earn money). We look onto the Free to Play games like Clash of Clans and many more, and how unethical some company can be when they monetize their games in a bad way. 

Tonight I am continuing my work on the Pirate wallpaper as seen previously. It was so boring to do it.... It just take such as long time to model out the assets in the wallpaper... But thankfully I did finish almost all the assets I need in this scene. I hope to finish modelling by tomorrow!

Monday 24 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 24/3/14

24.03.14 - Laid Back
Today I went out to town a group of my bunk mates to get our new keys! The school would be planting new locks into our electric doors later this week. I have no idea why. (maybe its getting old)

Today's animation lesson is quite a eye opener, because whatever we learn in Singapore compared to Finland was quite a big contrast. The amount of content taught in my own school was SQUASHED into a short time, while the Finnish people had the time to slow digest the content. Perhaps each has their pros and cons.

After lessons, 2 of my course mates and I went cycling to town again to get our apartment network contract started. And afterwards we cooked our dinner and etc...

Today is.... average. I am actually trying to learn new stuff through the web though! I am trying to learn how to create realistic hair from Maya! I am quite excited to learn it, can't wait to use this skill to put in my current project.

But I am tired now.
But one of my course mate wants me to play a Dota 2 match now.
But I don't know.

I should be sleeping soon. Goodnight!

Friday 21 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 21.03.14

21.03.14 - Self Exploration
Today its like a same day as yesterday.
But today I learned to make realistic ropes in Maya!
I learn it through the web. (Its super easy)
So this is what I have been working on! For the previous week
After discussion and improvements made with my teammate,
The 2D art was made from me for a day.

 I also realize that I didn't prompt myself to use my strength (3D)
to work on the project.

So in the end, I decided to make the whole menu purely
in 3D. 2D is too risky for me, as I have way little experience of it
compared to 3D. So 3D is a safe way for me I guess.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Going to be Finnished 20.03.14

20.03.14 - Back to Projects
Today its kind of a sit down and relax day.
Because we spent the whole day in the bunk lab (thats what i would call it) to work on our game projects.
Again I am working on the Game User Interface and the main menu screen and other wallpapers.
Nothing much today really.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Going to be Finished 17.03.14 - 19.03.14

17.03.14 - Starting Appetizer
This day is the day we officially go school! We start off our school with tours around the school and a short presentation from the International Coordinator of the Kajaani University of Applied Science. 
That day we also met our project mates, whom we will be working with on their game project. My task was to produce the UIs in the game. 

At the start, I was a bit upset because I couldn't do anything "major". But then again, my lecturer reminded me from the people working in Remedy studios once said: "Be it big or small projects, it is all important."
So I was quite pumped up to do it, be it whether it's a big or small task, I am willing to give in my all. 

The Finnish classmates are very friendly! Guaranteed. I feel really privileged to be around there or working a few of them. They all showed us all of their games (without anyone asking them to do it). There were no teachers there too, just them. I feel really welcome and a bit sad because I also wish I could be as friendly as them. 


18.03.14 - Exhausting Course Meal
We start off the day with a modelling course, whereby the class has gone for a week learning modelling & texturing. In all my life I have only touched on a 3D software called "Autodesk Maya". However, we are recommended to use a similar software called "Autodesk 3Dsmax". In short, I have to become a baby towards another software again. Going to have to commit myself to learn this software just as I have done on Maya. 

The next lesson was making a Portfolio, it was dull and the teacher gave a direct objective. If you understand how to sell yourself in the web, you have accomplish your goal to make a Portfolio. And I remember that I should always always show my good works only. If not how are you going to promote yourself to others? 

After lunch, we were told to go for a talk where there was a group of people promoting their product.
The product was a security network for the Internet, Fsecure. 
It was a excessively long talk, because there were 4 persons taking turn to spit out the different aspects of the product. (E.g Programming codes, F.L.O.S.S - Free Libre Open Source Software & many more)
The most interesting part of the whole talk was Finnish students & graduate aka teacher giving feedback or critics to the company. I don't see that everyday or not at all in Singapore!
What I observed and think is that the company is willing to get critics from the students to learn to make their product better and beneficial. 
At the same time, the students are happy to give suggestions to their company. It is a 2 way interaction. Growth for improvement goes the same concept. 


19.03.14 - Sudden Vacation
Today I was supposed to be in the classroom working on my project, I did it for like 2 hours and my course mates and I decided to go for the Outdoor Day activity. Because when we reached school on time for classes, we realize from a Finnish student that due to Outdoor Day classes were canceled. 

We went unprepared. 
Firstly, we didn't bring our passports to be able to rent skiing equipment. 
Secondly, I only wore 2 layers of clothing. 

Thankfully I didn't die in the cold.

Apparently, it was snow showering & there was no strong wind! 
Because of that we could walk around the snow for a long time to explore on the town called "Vuocatti?"
Never again I want to go out unprepared. 

After the trip, some of us decided to make snow man! 
We spent 1 hour to make a 1.4 metre snow man. (4 man power) 
We figured somethings out on how to make it faster. 
We were accompanied by 2 more girls and this time round we decided to make a even bigger snow man!
It took us 30 mins to make a 1.6 metre snow man (6 man power) 
And we make snow angels on the floor too! 

Technically, I am blogging at midnight 1.06AM for this personal blog. 

But one more very special thing I experienced was watching a documentary called "Free to Play". 
It is focused on 3 professional gamer who plays DOTA 2 for God knows how long, different country, different background, all come together to attempt to win one of the biggest prize pool competition in the world, The International. Whoever is the champion, wins 1.6 million USD. 

Stereo-typically, parents always restrain their children from playing too much games. But they know that their passion lies on playing games to make a living. That is their dream. And to achieve it they have to go through so much pain and sacrifice to get to it. Sadly, this is the way of life. One of the professional gamer known as "Dendi", he loves to play games ever since at a young age, he is determined to prove to his family that he is good enough to win the tournament, and he did. 

The other 2 may not have won, but their passion didn't die off just like that. They find ways to earn money to fund themselves for the next upcoming Internationals. 
Whenever they fall, they learn to get up quickly.
That is something I hope I can grasp on to quickly.
Ultimately, I hope my passion to the game industry grows stronger everyday, to contribute in making games (in terms of modelling, ideas, etc) 

Monday 17 March 2014

Going to be Finished 10.03.14 - 16.03.14

10.03.14 - The Departure

Time really flies fast after our last project in Year 2 of Poly life, it was 530PM+- when I reached the airport.
This period of time is like the busiest time of the year.. Because I have many people coming to send me off, and to be respectful, I do have to spend time with the different groups of friends or family is quite tiring.. And I could have miss out a few people when I went to the custom to check-in. (I apologize for those of you out there) But most probably you guys won't be reading it. Anyway, we went off to our 4 hours flight to Hong Kong, I went to watch the movie "Thor, The Dark World" and later on went to read a book I brought with me.

P.S - I think the food in the plane tends to make people fart a lot. (No joke, I've asked quite a few of my friends and they said they also did it silently.)

I feel so foolish, as though I am talking to myself.

11.03.14- The Transition to the Unknown
We arrived to Hong Kong at 1200AM+-, and make a transition to another plane to Helsinki.
Sleep, sleep, sleep. Fart, fart, fart. The process went on for the next 12 hours.
We reach Helsinki airport at 600AM+- and took at ride to our apartment (which we stayed for 2 days)
The moment we step out of the taxi, strong winds came and we felt as if we were doomed, because IT WAS COLD.
We were quite tired due to the jet lag, but we still went to visit the SUPERCELL Game Studio just a few blocks away from our apartment (a.k.a hotel)
I played one of their games called "Clash of Clans" for about a year already, and I kind of play it when I am free.

The game is a global game where you, a "King" builds your own kingdom and fight other people to steal off their resources so that you can build and upgrade your buildings in your land.

I really admire the amount of people they have in their company working on such a big project. The game that I play is only made up by 15 people. 15!!! But the interesting part is that SUPERCELL only publishes their game when the basic foundation of the game is ready. The rest of the assets or coding are polished while the game is commercialized.

Comparing to other Triple-A games, they usually sell games when they are 100% made. I can say that SUPERCELL's way of making money is safe, because they didn't give "All in" to earn money. But definitely, this kind of company requires skilled people who has been working in such industry to participate in such projects to make it successful..

12.03.14- Remedy, the Computer Scientist
We went to another game studio called "Remedy".
Their games are potentially Triple-A games and it was really a privileged to be in their studio.
What I was really amazed was the knowledge and creative minds they have there.
They literally make their own devices. For example, they made a real camera that the director could use to make certain shots of a movie, they use it in their game world to make good shots for cinematics & etc..
They really find ways to ease the problems in the productions of game industry by making their own devices. They are really indeed scientist.